Hot Brewed or Cold Brewed Iced Coffee – Which do you prefer?

Iced Coffee

Iced Coffee

Amy Eddings posted an article on WNYC about how brewing method can affect the flavor of iced coffee. Do you prepare your own iced coffee? How do you brew?

Iced coffee made from leftover hot coffee is easy and a great use of extra coffee. However, as you might have experienced, hot brewed coffee with a few ice cubes thrown in will taste flat and stale. The flavor might event turn you away from iced coffee in general.

The ideal method for iced coffee is not using cold water. This might be your first impulse, but it will not result in fully brewed coffee.  In fact, coffee needs hot water to release the solubles and aromas of your fresh ground coffee beans.

You might think that this puts the coffee connoisseur looking for the perfect iced coffee brewing method in a bit of a predicament.  When it comes to coffee, there’s always someone out there experimenting to find the perfect cup.

In this article, a very knowledgeable coffee barista presents a solution to this problem. The Japanese method of brewing iced coffee is a great way to preserve the flavor and freshness of the beans, while providing a cool and refreshing drink. This is especially delicious on a hot summer day!

In a tutorial video, Peter Giuliano of Counter Culture Coffee explains how this method preserves the flavor. He also instructs us how to brew this amazing cup of iced coffee. He hand brews coffee by dripping hot coffee directly onto ice. With this method, it is extremely important to remember to use less water to make up for the melted ice. He uses 8 ounces of ice, so he in turn removes 8 ounces of hot water from the brew.

This article provides a different view from Teresa von Fuchs of Dallis Bros. Coffee. She believes that hot brewed and cold brewed coffee taste different, but they are both equally pleasing to her taste buds. She describes a method that requires up to 24 hours rest time. Of course, if you are a hot coffee drinker like von Fuchs, you might think both methods taste watered down.

In this article, von Fuchs also explains the importance of the quality of coffee beans. Different varieties of coffee with inherently have different flavors. She uses words to describe the hints of flavors like “cherry” and “chocolate” tastes. The flavor and body of a coffee bean makes for another great discussion topic. Heroes Galaxy hopes to provide more information on this soon!

It seems that almost everyone has their own favorite way to make a cup of coffee. If you didn’t enjoy iced coffee in the past, you might enjoy it brewed well over ice. Just imagine drinking a delicious cold cup during your morning commute this summer. If you aren’t up for the time and effort, there’s always a practiced coffee barista to prepare an iced coffee for you.

Do you prefer hot brewed or cold brewed iced coffee? Do you stick with hot coffee only? Answer in a reply.

3 thoughts on “Hot Brewed or Cold Brewed Iced Coffee – Which do you prefer?

  1. I agree with thesoapboxersatx, there is no better way than to start your day with a mug of hot-fresh brewed coffee!! From the aroma of the beans to the warm brew and all the rich flavors of caffeine, I love coffee. But at time’s i come to realize that I don’t enjoy making it or even buy it from the store. What I’m saying is if I were to enjoy a cup of coffee, I purchase it from a shop of some sort. Like for example, iced coffee, I have only really tried it in frappuccino form from Starbucks. I know, don’t judge me….. I would like to try it over ice like in your blog article, but I am a consumer and I don’t brew at home….. Any suggestions??

    • First, thank you! This is great feedback. If you are looking for a quick way to brew iced coffee at home, you might consider a single-serving coffee attachment that goes right on the cup. Otherwise, you have the right idea to save time by picking it up from a coffee shop. Take a look at our menu to see if any of our iced coffee drinks interest you. We hope to see you soon!

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